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Thank you for your interest in volunteering with us!
Race Forward is currently seeking volunteers for Facing Race, the largest multiracial, intergenerational gathering for organizers, educators, creatives, and other leaders.

The Facing Race Conference 2024 will be hosted IN PERSON in St. Louis, Missouri, November 20-22, 2024.

Volunteers are needed for the following:

  • Pre-conference preparation: Bag stuffing, assisting with transporting materials and equipment at the convention center, phone calls, registration outreach – especially at universities and community organizations.
  • Registration/Information: Event greeters, assisting with general registration and materials distribution to participants and sponsors/exhibitors, staffing information desk, assisting with press registration table.
  • Special events support: Assisting with talent and audience control, greeters, ushers, stage handlers.
  • Workshop support: Workshop monitors (help set up, attend sessions, explain and collect evaluations, assist presenters as needed), interpreting for conference participants or presenters.
  • Multi-media support: Assisting with video-taping/tape recording of sessions and interviews as assigned, stage assistance (please note:  individuals for multi-media volunteer positions must have prior experience).
  • Overall conference support: Supporting staff show office, runners between various areas (including the exhibit hall, registration area and workshop rooms), tracking equipment, copying, PPE Distribution, Mask Checkers, Contact Tracing, etc.
  • Fundraising support: Assisting with setup for fundraising asks (envelope distribution, table tents, etc.) and collecting donation envelopes as assigned.

Volunteers Benefits:

  • Participate in one of the largest conferences dedicated to racial justice in the world
  • Form networks with individuals from across the U.S. interested in racial justice
  • Meet and work with the Race Forward staff and Board
  • Receive a letter of confirmation for your participation

Volunteer Requirements and Commitment:

  1. Must be 18 or over and can provide Race Forward with volunteer services from November 20th, 2024, to Saturday, November 22nd, 2024, in exchange for admission to the Conference and special events. You must be on time and have worked the agreed-upon hours to receive your discount.
  2. Once accepted, volunteers must register on Cvent and pay a $50.00 processing fee. A Facing Race registration is valued at over $650 per person. While this registration fee is waived for volunteers, volunteers are asked to pay a $50.00 processing fee. This nominal processing fee helps Race Forward provide meals and conference materials to volunteers.
  3. Volunteers must complete at least one full conference day of service (12 hours, which can be divided throughout the preparation days and conference days) to avail of the free conference registration (valued at $650), not including the $50.00 processing fee.

Volunteers are required to attend an orientation session prior to the event. Date and time are to be determined. An orientation is also required prior to the start of the conference.

Applications are now open, and we're selecting volunteers on a rolling basis.


We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.